jbweb - Awesome WordPress

[lab_heading title_tag=”H1″ title=”About Me.”]Nice to meet you, my name is Julio.
My everyday work is presented here. I love what I do.
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Julio Brana

Web Developer

I am a WordPress geek who is into technology, traveling and sports.

Whether attending a tech meetup or reading the latest Smashing Magazine article you can find me catching up on the latest developments.

I feel very lucky I like my job and I am always keen to hear about new ideas and tackle challenges.

Have a look at my projects and see what we can create together.

I like: WordPress, Bootstrap, ACF, Trello, Sketch, Sublime, bicycles, being outdoors and climbing things, books, The Wire, craft beers.

I don’t like: carousels, modal windows, FileZilla, coffee.

Sounds good to you?

Get in touch


A few facts about me:

  • I have been to more than 60 countries
  • I can play a musical instrument, the triangle
  • I can lick my own elbow
  • 66.7% of the facts above are actually true